
Tue Sep 21, 2021

Air shower system

Air Shower System

An Air Shower System is designed to function as a sort of gateway controller between your cleanroom and the rest of the world. When it is used properly, a Clean Room Air Shower can cut down on a vast majority of potential contaminants and helps ensure that your product remains safe and uncontaminated. Today, air showers have become relatively commonplace because of their benefits, and comparatively small price. So what exactly does the term Clean Room Air Shower mean, and why does your cleanroom need one?

Why do you need a Clean Room Air Shower System?

Well, if you think about it, why wouldn’t you? A cleanroom air shower provides your product and your employees with an extra layer of protection from any harmful contaminants or particles that could make their way into your cleanroom. One instance of too much particulate can result in a ruined batch of pharmaceuticals or a malfunctioning piece of electrical equipment. An air shower functions to prevent these major issues from happening. They’re also a helpful reminder to employees about the importance of remaining particulate-free. And on the off chance that an employee wasn’t as careful as they should have been when donning a gown, an air shower will help ensure that any extra particulate is scrubbed off before they enter a contaminant-free space.

Benefits of Air Shower Systems

  • Contamination Control: Significantly reduces particulate contamination entering cleanrooms.
  • Improved Product Quality: Helps maintain high standards in manufacturing processes sensitive to contamination.
  • Employee Protection: Ensures that personnel are not carrying harmful contaminants into sensitive environments.

Is a Clean Room Air Shower worth the cost?

It always comes down to the bottom line. Clearly, air showers are effective, but are they worth the additional cost? Well, believe it or not, an air shower actually adds up to just a tiny percentage of an overall cleanroom installation fee. Compared to the rest of the cleanroom that you’re paying for, the cost of a cleanroom air shower is simply minuscule. Adding to the fact that if an air shower prevents even one contamination of a pharmaceutical batch, you’re saving way more than the air shower even cost you, making its price a very small concern. If you’re in the following applications, an air shower can save you big bucks in mistakes and contaminated product:
  • Biotech
  • Biomedical
  • Parental drug
  • Microelectronics
  • Precision manufacturing
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Aerospace
  • Nanotechnology


In addition to the money an air shower saves you in product consistency, cleanroom air showers have also proven to increase cleanroom efficiency, and lower the amount of particulate buildup within the cleanroom itself. Since the air shower is ensuring that as much particulate as possible is eliminated before anyone enters the cleanroom, less particulate buildup occurs over time. This means that a cleanroom with an air shower will require less maintenance than a cleanroom without. It also means that a cleanroom with an air shower will put less stress on HEPA filters–making them more efficient–since they won’t have to work as hard with additional particulate and contaminants.
No matter the cleanroom application, an air shower is guaranteed to decrease particulate and the presence of contaminants. And when it costs just a fraction of the price of your cleanroom itself, it’s a practical addition to your project. If you have more questions related to cleanrooms, or if you’re considering adding an air shower to your new or existing cleanroom project, make sure to give the experts at Accumax India a call! We’d love to answer any questions or help you design a cleanroom that’s perfect for your application, your space, and your budget.

Cleanroom Air Shower Specifications

1 Dimensions WxDxH :  900x1000x2000 mm (Inner Area)
WxDxH: 1400x1075x2150 mm (Outer Area) Or Customized
2 MOC Galvanized Iron Powder Coated / Stainless Steel 304
3 Blower Assembly

Dynamically And Statically Balanced Motors And Blowers


4 Motor Make Eyaani
5 Nozzles Made Of Stainless Steel Rotating And Adjustable Fixed Either Side Of Wall And Top Ceiling Velocity 70 Meters/Sec
6 Blower CFM 25-30 Meters/Sec
7 Face Velocity 20-22 Meters/Sec (3937-4330 FPM)
8 Air Flow 20-22 Meters/Sec (3937-4330 FPM)
9 Class 10000
10 Interlocking of Doors Interlocking Facility Of Doors, One Door Lock Automatically When Other Is Opened With Electromagnetic Lock, With Timer Setting
11 Flooring Aluminium Checker Sheet Anti Skid Or Stainless Steel
12 Door Frame Made Of Stainless Steel / Galvanized Iron Powder Coated Interlocking Facility, Half Toughened Glass
13 Hingle, handle Make Harrison/Godrej Or Equivalent
14 Light LED
15 Prefilter Washable Prefilter Down To 10 Microns, Particulate At An Efficiency Of 90% Duly Tested
16 Hepa Filters With 0.3 Microns Particulate Of 99.978% Efficiency And DOP Tested, Frame Of Aluminium, Microfiber Glass Media Epoxy Sealed, Non Washable
17 Operations Automatic Actuation Operation And Adjustable Timer Trough Microprocessor Based Controller
18 Noise Level Less Than 75 Db
19 Safety Emergency Switch In Chamber
20 Electric Supply Work On 220v AC 1 Phase Or 3 Phase (To Specify)


Inner Size: (W X D X H)

  • 900 x 1000 x 2000mm (2 Persons)
  • 900 x 1500 x 2000mm (3 Persons)
  • 900 x 2000 x 2000mm (4 Persons)
  • 900 x 2500 x 2000mm (5 Persons)
  • 900 x 3000 x 2000mm (6 Persons)
  • 900 x 3500 x 2000mm (7 Persons)
  • 900 x 4000 x 2000mm (8 Persons)
  • 900 x 4500 x 2000mm (9 Persons)
  • 900 x 5000 x 2000mm (10 Persons)

Frequently Asked Questions


1.How long is the air shower cycle?

After entering, the cleanroom air shower blows HEPA filtered air on them for 20-40 seconds to remove any particles. Once the cycle is complete, the personnel exit thru the second door into the cleanroom.